An illustration based on the photographs of "The Cottingley Fairies", produced for our university Wunderkammer publication.

This book cover redesign was created using both digital and traditional media, and inspired by vintage illustrations from the 1950s
'Audrey at Home' Book Cover Redesign

A double-page recipe spread concept designed for a food magazine.
Editorial Illustration

This piece was a quick developmental collage, in which I used acrylic paint to collage together an illustration.
Food Illustration

Created with collage illustrations
Magazine Editorial

A study I created in development for my information illustration project on 18th Century fashion.
Collage Illustration Study

A young audience non-fiction picture book concept, based on the subject of fashion throughout British History.
Information Illustration

A young audience non-fiction picture book concept, based on the subject of fashion throughout British History.
Information Illustration

A close-up of an illustration from my information illustration project.
18th Century Stays

A page from a young audience children's book project, that was based around my own original characters.
Young Audience Illustration

A collage illustration created of my original character, Guinea in a Pinny.
Guinea Pig Character Design

A gouache illustration created in my second year of university to accompany an article about love.
Gouache Illustration

A spot illustration created in response to a short story from a book of Aesop's Fables.
Narrative Illustration

A spot illustration created for a short story within a book of folklore tales.
Narrative Illustration

A page from a young audience children's book project, that was based around my own original characters.
Young Audience Illustration